n 学习经历
n 联系方式(Email):limeiliu@hnust.edu.cn
3.1 主持的代表性科研项目
[1] 李美柳,基于等价输入干扰法的网络化控制系统扰动抑制和容错控制研究,湖南省自然科学基金项目,2023JJ40295,2023.01-2025.12。
[2] 李美柳,基于等价输入干扰方法的网络化控制系统主动扰动抑制研究,湖南省教育厅项目,22C0244,2023.01-2024.12。
[1] Meiliu Li, Jinhua She*, Zhen-Tao Liu, Min Wu, and Yasuhiro Ohyama. Suppression of packet losses and disturbances in networked control systems based on equivalent-input-disturbance approach. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2023, 53(4): 2051-2061.
[2] Meiliu Li, Jinhua She*, Chuan-Ke Zhang, Zhen-Tao Liu, Min Wu, and Yasuhiro Ohyama. Active disturbance rejection for time-varying state-delay systems based on equivalent-input-disturbance approach. ISA Transactions, 2021, 108: 69-77.
[3] Meiliu Li, Jinhua She*, Zhen-Tao Liu, Min Wu, and Yasuhiro Ohyama. An improved equivalent-input-disturbance method for uncertain networked control systems with packet losses and exogenous disturbances. Actuators, 2021, 10(10): 263: 1-16.
[4] Meiliu Li, Jinhua She*, Zhen-Tao Liu, Wangyong He, Feng Wang, Juan Zhao, and Yasuhiro Ohyama. A modified disturbance-rejection approach in networked control systems based on adaptive model predictive control and equivalent-input-disturbance approach. Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, 2022, 26(4): 495-503.
[5] Meiliu Li, Lan Zhou, and Wenbin Xiao. An improved equivalent-input-disturbance approach of disturbances rejection in time-varying state-delay systems. 2023 38th Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation, 2023: 1369-1374.
[6] Meiliu Li, Guangjun Wang*, Jinhua She, Zhen-Tao Liu, and Danyun Li. Control of wireless network communication for industrial robot servo systems. The 37th Chinese Control Conference, 2018: 8315-8319.
[7] Meiliu Li, Jinhua She*, Zhen-Tao Liu, Chuan-Ke Zhang, Min Wu, Yasuhiro Ohyama, and Xinkai Chen. Suppression of disturbances in networked control systems with time-varying delay based on equivalent-input-disturbance approach. The 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2019: 6827-6830.
[8] Meiliu Li, Jinhua She*, Zhen-Tao Liu, Min Wu, Wangyong He, and Yasuhiro Ohyama. Suppression of disturbances in networked control systems based on adaptive model predictive control and equivalent-input-disturbance approach. The 7th International Workshop on Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, 2021, 1-5.
3.3 授权代表性国家发明专利
[1] 佘锦华, 吴敏, 刘振焘, 张传科, 李丹云, 李美柳, 蒋若愚. 基于模糊等价输入干扰法的速度环控制参数自整定方法,中国, 专利申请号: CN201811427733.8.
[2] 佘锦华, 刘振焘, 张传科, 王泽文, 李美柳, 殷翔. 一种伺服系统控制参数整定方法及系统,中国, 专利申请号: CN201811438177.4.
[1] 地质云计算平台的矿用机器人定位开采,2023中国研究生电子设计竞赛,华南赛区一等奖,中国研究生学位与教育学会